Your intelligent and energy saving home.

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convenience Boldr App

Control your heating from the comfort of your phone. Being in control of your heating bill just got a lot easier

  • Remote access
  • Smart zoning
  • Monitor energy spend
  • Smart scheduling

Access the full range of smart features wherever you may be. Remote access gives you total control of your heating so that you never have to come back to a cold home.  

Make your heating work for everyone in the home. Adjust your comfort levels on a room by room basis & waste less energy.

Stay on top of your bills from the comfort of your phone! Measure your consumption in real time, either room by room or as a house total.

Easily optimise your heating schedule on a room by room basis and cut your heating bills to an absolute minimum.

BOLDR magazine

35 solutions for a more flexible workspace

Our living spaces are rapidly getting redefined and so our houses and apartments take on an increased range of functionality
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